Headache Treatment Frederick, MD

Few patients think to mention their tension headaches during their routine dental appointments; however, headaches, as well as other symptoms like earaches or jaw pain, are relevant information for your dentist to be aware of. Tension headaches can be the result of bite misalignment as well as tooth decay. If you experience tension headaches frequently, we may be able to help with headache treatment in Frederick, MD.

The staff at our dentist office will analyze your bite and do an oral exam to determine if you have any underlying dental problem. This consultation can help determine the cause of your headaches. From there, we can offer a wide variety of solutions to help correct your bite pattern and relieve you of these symptoms.

Frequent headache treatment in Frederick MD

Headache Treatment in Frederick, MD

Tension headaches, jaw pain, and earaches are just some of the many symptoms that indicate bite pattern misalignment. If left untreated, these symptoms can further develop into a TMJ disorder. Our office provides comprehensive TMJ treatment options to help relieve patients of these debilitating symptoms.These treatments include:

Night Guard

A night guard is a custom mouthguard that patients wear to alleviate the symptoms of TMJ disorders. This dental device acts as an occlusal splint and provides a protective barrier between the upper and lower teeth. It reduces the impact of teeth grinding and jaw clenching on the teeth that can contribute to TMJ disorder symptoms such as frequent headaches.

A night guard is custom made from dental impressions to fit perfectly in your mouth. You will wear the device every night while you sleep to help with your headaches. It will stabilize your jaw and reduce muscles tension to help promote muscle relaxation. A custom night time mouthguard will also promote proper jaw alignment and support the TMJ. To learn more about how a night guard is different from a sports mouthguard, see Custom mouthguard.

Restorative Dentistry

If your TMJ headaches are triggered from tooth misalignment, an improper bite, or worn down teeth, then your dentist may suggest restorative dentistry. We provide several dental restorations to help fix your teeth and align your bite. In doing this, it will reduce the strain it places on your TMJ. Dental restorations such as dental crowns, dental bridges, and dental implants are typical treatments for TMJ. To learn more about our restorative dentistry treatments, see Restorative dentistry.

Orthodontic Treatment

Severe cases of TMJ disorders that can result in headaches may be due to misalignment of the teeth. In this case, your dentist is likely to recommend orthodontic treatment versus a restorative dentistry treatment. Invisalign is a clear aligner system that will slowly shift your teeth back into proper alignment. This will improve your overall bite and relieve your TMJ symptoms including frequent headaches. To learn more about the Invisalign process, see Invisalign.

FAQs for TMJ Headaches

Here are some common questions regarding our headache treatments as well as TMJ disorders.

What dental concerns can cause headaches?

A wide range of dental concerns can cause tension headaches. Because your dental structures are meant to work together while performing daily tasks such as chewing or speaking, if your teeth are missing, damaged, or misaligned, you may begin to experience tension headaches over time. This is because your mouth and facial muscles are under added pressure when performing these daily tasks.

What is a TMJ disorder?

A TMJ disorder may present as jaw pain, tension headaches, or earaches, among other symptoms. These symptoms are caused by injury or inflammation to the temporomandibular joint of your jaw. This is the main joint at work when you are chewing or speaking. TMJ disorders can develop following dental damage, missing teeth, teeth grinding, or bite pattern misalignment.

What can be done to relieve my TMJ symptoms?

A treatment plan for your TMJ disorder will need to be personalized to your smile. Our doctors will work with you to address the underlying causes of your TMJ disorder and tension headaches. To address bite misalignment, we may recommend Invisalign or other orthodontic options.

To replace missing teeth or broken teeth, we may recommend dental implants, dental bridges, or dental crowns. We may also recommend Botox to relieve certain TMJ symptoms. Your treatment will all depend on what our dental professionals think will help you the most.

Can dental work cause tension headaches?

Tension headaches are the type of headache most frequently linked to dental problems. Muscle tension that accumulates in the jaw and mouth is what causes these tension headaches. When this tension builds, it causes excess pressure in your facial muscles, and which travels to the brain causing headaches.

What helps a headache from the dentist?

It is not uncommon for patients to receive dental work, and have a light headache after. To relax the muscles in your head, face, and jaw and ease stress from dental headaches, give your temples a light massage. A heating pad can help relax the muscles, while an ice pack can help to reduce pain.

How long does a headache last after a root canal?

One of the most common symptoms after a root canal is a headache. To reduce this patient should practice good oral hygiene, while applying light pressure to the area of the root canal. Pain should subside within three to five days.

Can the need for a dental filling cause headaches?

In the event that an infection does arise within the tooth, a filling is typically necessary. However, if , the infection may progress, and spread into tooth roots. This will cause a headache that may resemble a migraine until treated.

If you need help treating your TMJ disorder to help find relief from frequent headaches, contact Frederick Center for Dentistry today. You can reach our office at 301-264-5680 to book an appointment or you can request an appointment online.