Dentures & Partials Frederick, MD

Our dentists provide restorative dentistry solutions to common dental problems at the Frederick Center for Dentistry. Dr. Sahil Goya and Dr. Anshu Goyal have extensive experience in treating patients who need dentures.

Dentures and partial dentures are popular types of restorations that restore teeth. We offer several types of dentures near you in Frederick, MD. Replace your lost teeth and the surrounding tissue at our dental office today.

Why Replace Your Missing Teeth?

Missing any number of teeth can affect your appearance and self-esteem. Many patients with tooth loss find it embarrassing and avoid smiling and speaking. However, tooth loss can impact your health in many ways.

Replacing your missing teeth has benefits like restoring function to your mouth and preventing damage to your existing teeth. Plus, it will improve your long-term oral health!

Restores Function

Teeth are vital for biting and chewing food. With any number of missing teeth, it will be difficult to eat certain foods properly. Also, you will have issues digesting food if you can’t chew your food adequately.

Missing teeth also affects your speech. Replacing missing teeth will allow you to bite and chew your food properly and communicate effectively.

Maintains Oral Health

Missing teeth can contribute to additional oral health problems. The teeth adjacent to the gap may shift or tilt into the empty space. The shift can cause misalignment, bite problems, and jaw joint issues.

Additionally, missing teeth will lead to bone loss in the jawbone. When you replace your lost teeth, you help maintain your dental alignment and prevent bone loss in the jaw.

Prevents Overload of Remaining Teeth

When a tooth is missing, the remaining teeth endure extra stress and pressure to compensate for the gap. This may lead to excessive wear and tooth damage. Replacing missing teeth will distribute forces, such as chewing and biting, evenly.

Over time, natural teeth shift to fill in gaps between teeth, which can lead to overcrowding. Cleaning between crooked and overcrowded teeth can be difficult. Which means patients are more prone to problems like tooth decay and gum disease.

Bone loss in the jaw will eventually lead to facial sagging and an overall aging appearance. Restorative care is like preventive care because it can prevent more serious problems from happening down the road.

Benefits of Dentures

  • Restored Function. Dentures help restore your ability to chew and bite properly. You will be able to comfortably eat a wide range of foods. Efficient chewing will also improve your digestion, which contributes to better overall nutrition and health.
  • Improved Speech. Dentures provide support to the lips, cheeks, and tongue, helping you articulate words more clearly and improving your speech.
  • Enhanced Aesthetics. Dentures will improve the appearance of your smile. They replace missing teeth, hold the natural structure of your face, and provide support to your lips and cheeks. This will enhance your facial appearance and restore a natural and more youthful look.
  • Boosted Self-Confidence. Dentures can restore a complete smile, leading to better self-confidence and a positive self-image. They allow individuals to engage in social situations without worrying about gaps in their teeth.
  • Customized Fit. We custom fabricate your dentures so they fit your mouth perfectly. Dentists take impressions of your mouth because this helps us create dentures that specifically fit only your mouth. Our custom dentures will provide the best function, stability and beauty.
  • Support for Facial Muscles. When teeth are missing, the facial muscles can sag and lose their tone, leading to a sunken or aged appearance. Dentures help support the facial muscles, restoring a more youthful facial structure and maintaining proper facial aesthetics.
  • Cost-Effective Solution. Dentures are a more affordable tooth replacement option versus dental implants.
  • Flexibility. Dentures are removable, making them easy to clean and maintain. Your dentist can also adjust them or reline them to ensure a proper fit over time. This flexibility allows for natural changes in your mouth to happen, such as gum tissue loss.

Types of Dentures at Our Office

Full dentures are a great option for patients with full arches of missing or lost teeth. Patients who have multiple consecutive missing teeth often benefit more from receiving partial dentures. Our dentist s can even secure full dentures to your mouth using dental implants! This will give you a more stable and permanent end-result.

Implant Dentures

Dentures in Frederick, Maryland

Fixed hybrid dentures Implant secured dentures are the preferred restoration for patients with multiple missing teeth. Dental implants will maintain your bone structure while also securing your denture in its place. So there is no risk of slippage.

In some cases, our dentist can convert an existing denture into an implant-supported denture. This can save you some of the costs associated with this option.

Full Dentures

A tradition full set of dentures will replace an entire row of teeth on the upper or lower jaw. It can also replace some of your lost gum tissue. They consist of an acrylic base with false teeth. The piece will remain in place with suction or denture adhesive.

Complete dentures can feel bulky in the mouth for some patients. For this reason, it can be hard to adjust to wearing them. Patients will need to relearn how to talk and eat while wearing them. This adjustment period can last up to a few months.

Partial Dentures

Made of metal or acrylic, partial dentures consist of replacement teeth on a plastic base with a metal framework. The metal clasps will snap on to the remaining teeth to hold the partial in place. This treatment option works best for patients with multiple consecutive missing teeth.

The downside to a partial denture is the extra strain it places on the anchor teeth. This makes them more susceptible to damage and decay.

Dentures & Partial Denture FAQs

Dentures are an effective tooth replacement option for patients missing multiple teeth. Read through our frequently asked questions about dentures to learn more about them. Feel free to contact our dental practice if you have further questions.

Can you drink coffee with partial dentures?

Avoid both gum and coffee because of their potential to stain dentures. Patients should avoid foods like nuts and seeds, as they may wedge under the denture and cause irritation or discomfort.

How is a partial denture held in place?

Most types of partial dentures use metal clasps to attach to the teeth. These fit into the spaces between teeth by clipping onto the teeth on either side of the space. Dentists use a connector to hold your denture in place by preparing a slot in the crown of the supporting tooth.

How long can you wear partial dentures?

If cared for properly, a partial denture has a lifespan of 5 to 10 years. However, the aging process causes changes in your gum ridges and jaw bone. So your dentures may need the occasional adjustment.

Can you brush your dentures with toothpaste?

Assuming that toothpaste is the best option for cleaning dentures is common. But it is not true because toothpaste is abrasive and can damage the dentures. Avoid brushing your dentures with toothpaste at all costs. Denture cleaner is a much safer alternative that will not scratch your dentures.

How many hours a day should you wear partial dentures?

Generally speaking, you should wear your dentures for at least eight hours each day. In order for your gums to rest, we recommend that you remove them at night. Taking them out will let you properly brush and floss your remaining teeth.

Can I leave partial dentures in my mouth overnight?

You should remove both partial and full dentures at night before going to bed. Removing them will provide much-needed relaxation for your gums and jaw bone. This is also an excellent opportunity to clean and sanitize your dentures!

Can you eat normally with partial dentures?

Yes, you absolutely can eat normally using partial dentures. However, as you adjust to the unfamiliar feeling in your mouth, it can take a few weeks. Only eat soft foods for now. Avoid foods that require a lot of chewing and using your jaw.

Call the Frederick Center For Dentistry for affordable dentures near you! Contact our Frederick, MD dental office to address your multiple missing teeth with a denture treatment. After a consultation and exam, we will help you find the treatment that fits your specific needs.

Receive restorative dental care for missing teeth today by calling 301-264-5680. Request a dental exam with our dentists on our website.